αlpha Support


αlpha users are provided with the highest levels of support by phone, email or, if necessary and possible, remote computer access. This web site contains further assistance including detailed questions and answers on screening and advice on how to use αlpha.

If you have a query please check to see if it has been answered on this web site as it is updated regularly. If you are unable to find an answer please contact us either by email or by phone.

For advice on installing αlpha onto a new computer please refer to the supported platforms to ensure your hardware is supported. Additional software may be needed to access all the features in αlpha.

Questions & Answers

This section contains answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about prenatnal screening and αlpha.


Guidance on terminology used in medical screening is given in the following article: Wald, N.J., 1994. Guidance on terminology. Journal of medical screening, 1(2), pp.139-139.

Other articles

How To's

Some questions are better answered by a guide so we have provided a series of guides on how αlpha works and changes are made within the program.


I want to analyse my screening data using Microsoft® Excel®. Can I transfer the data from αlpha into a spreadsheet?

αlpha provides two methods of extracting data from the database. The first is Data Transfer which provides a very quick and easy way to get access to the raw data. Secondly a facility called Analyze-it which exports data directly to a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet as well as other well known formats.

Supported Platforms

Minimum specification
Client PC Windows® 11 (recommended), Windows® 10 (recommended), Windows® 8, Windows® 7, Windows® XP with service pack 3
Server Windows® Server 2003 and later
Memory We recommend a minimum of 2GB
.NET Framework Version 4.0
SQL Server or SQL Server express Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008 or 2005

Please ensure all these specifications are met before installing αlpha. If you are unsure about meeting this specification please contact us.


αlpha is based on published scientific data and is regularly updated in the light of new scientific advances in screening and diagnosis.

View all references

Other help

If none of the above sections has solved your problem or answered your question please use the following details to contact us:

Contact Details
Email alpha@lmsalpha.co.uk
Phone +44 (0) 207 600 3193
Fax +44 (0) 207 606 0506