Interfacing alpha
αlpha provides many ways to import and export data from laboratory information systems and to import data from laboratory equipment.
- Patient data can be Imported from other systems
- Test results (marker levels) can be imported test results from laboratory equipment and laboratory managment systems.
- Patient data can be exported to laboratory management systems.
All fields in the data entry screen can be imported to minimise manual data entry and so to reduce error and maximise productivity. αlpha can read a simple text file containing the data (comma or tab delimited), for a single patient or group of patients.
If required, marker measurements exported from an assay machine as a text file can be merged automatically with fields in the data entry screen. This is done by matching an identifier, such as a sample number, which is contained in both the exported measurements from the assay machine and the data entry screen.
Data from a screening report can be exported in many different ways:
- To a comma, tab or fixed width format text file
- To a file containing a copy of the report as text
- To an XPS (XML paper specification) or PDF (Portable Document Format) file. The exact formatting of the report as printed is retained in this format and, if desired, each patient report can be exported to a separate XPS or PDF file.
- To a packeted exported file.
Also the data held inthe αlpha database can be accessed using the statistical functions data transfer and Analyse-It. Analyse-it allows data to be exported to an Excel® spreadsheet or to XML format for further analysis.